IT Services

Cyberia — It’s All About “Cyber”!

About the solution

What IT Services Does Cyberia Offer?

Cyberia offers comprehensive outsourcing (ITaaS — IT as a Service) and outstaffing (TaaS — Team as a Service) solutions for companies looking to expand their IT capabilities and accelerate project timelines. Whether you want to outsource specific IT functions (ITaaS) or create a dedicated offshore team (TaaS), we provide flexible and scalable solutions tailored to your unique requirements.

About Company
Problems to be solved

We solve your problems!

Limited Access to Professional Expertise

Problem: Many companies struggle to access the professional IT expertise needed for specific projects, especially if they lack in-house specialists or resources.

Solution: Outsourcing and outstaffing services provide companies with access to a vast pool of qualified IT specialists with rich experience in various fields, ensuring personalized staffing for each project.

Resource Constraints

Problem: Companies may face resource or capability shortages, making it difficult to implement large-scale or complex IT projects.

Solution: Outsourcing and outstaffing services offer flexible and scalable solutions, enabling you to expand your IT capabilities, scale resources up or down as needed, and effectively handle changing project requirements.

High Operational Costs and Overhead

Problem: Maintaining an in-house IT team and infrastructure can be costly due to expenses on salaries, benefits, training, and infrastructure investments.

Solution: Outsourcing and outstaffing services help companies reduce operational costs by providing cost-effective alternatives to hiring and retaining in-house IT staff, eliminating the need for infrastructure investments, and offering flexible pricing models that fit project budgets.

Inefficient Project Execution and Delays

Problem: Inefficiency and project delays can occur due to resource shortages, skill gaps, lack of experience, or outdated management methods.

Solution: IT outsourcing and outstaffing services employ experienced teams, proven strategies, and efficient project management methods to accelerate timelines and ensure timely delivery of results.

Difficulty in Finding and Retaining Top Talent

Problem: Finding and retaining top IT specialists in a competitive market can be challenging, especially for companies located in regions with talent shortages or high turnover rates.

Solution: Outsourcing and outstaffing services provide access to a global talent pool, allowing companies to hire and retain the best IT specialists from around the world, regardless of geographical location or local market conditions.

Lack of Flexibility and Adaptability

Problem: In-house IT teams may lack the flexibility and adaptability needed to quickly respond to changing project requirements, market dynamics, or technological advancements.

Solution: Outsourcing and outstaffing services mitigate these issues, enabling companies to scale resources and project sizes, adopt new technologies, and change strategies as needed to stay competitive and responsive to market demands.

The effect of the implementation

It’s easier if my IT team does all this by itself! Are you Sure?

Reduction of operational and overhead costs

IT outsourcing and outstaffing services help companies reduce operational expenses by providing access to qualified IT professionals at lower costs compared to maintaining an in-house team. Cost savings extend beyond just salaries to include overhead costs such as office space, equipment, training, and benefits.


AI powered modern tools

Enhanced Candidate Search

AI-powered candidate search tools analyze vast amounts of data from various online sources to identify potential technical specialists who meet your project requirements. These tools can scan CVs, professional networks, and online platforms to find candidates with the right skills, experience, and qualifications, saving time and improving the quality of candidate searches.

Automated Skills Assessment

AI algorithms can automate the assessment of technical skills and knowledge, allowing recruiters to more effectively evaluate candidates' proficiency in specific technologies and programming languages. Automated skills assessment simplifies the selection process and ensures that only qualified candidates are considered for the position, enhancing the overall quality of talent acquisition.

Predictive Analytics for Talent Matching

AI-based predictive analytics can analyze historical data on consultant performance, project outcomes, and client feedback to identify patterns and trends correlated with successful cases. By using predictive analytics, Cyberia IT Services can more effectively match specialists to projects, ensuring the right fit in terms of skills, experience, and cultural compatibility.

Stages of implementation

How does it work?

Outsourcing. Under the outsourcing model, we take on responsibility for specific IT functions or projects, leveraging our expertise and resources to deliver high-quality solutions on time and within budget. Whether you need software development, maintenance, support, or other IT services, we have the skills and experience to meet your needs.

Outstaffing. Through the outstaffing model, we provide specialized offshore teams of qualified IT professionals who work as an extension of your company. You maintain full control over the team composition, project management, and workflows, while we handle recruitment and administrative tasks, offering a comprehensive and cost-effective solution.


Software development, maintenance, support or other IT services


Recruitment and management of administrative tasks

Why Cyberia?

Partnering with Cyberia for IT outsourcing (ITaaS) and IT outstaffing (TaaS) services offers a range of benefits

Access to Top Talent

Gain access to a broad pool of qualified IT professionals with experience across a wide range of technologies and industries.

Cost Savings

Reduce overhead costs associated with hiring and retaining in-house IT staff, as well as expenses related to infrastructure and technology investments.


Easily and quickly scale your IT resources to meet changing project needs without long-term commitments.

Faster Time-to-Market

Accelerate project timelines and shorten product time-to-market by leveraging our proven methods and experienced teams.

Focus on Core Business

Free up internal resources to focus on core business activities and strategic initiatives while we manage your IT functions.

Ready to discuss the project?

Select comprehensive solutions with a personalized approach.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the difference between IT outsourcing and IT outstaffing?

Outsourcing involves delegating specific IT functions or projects to an external contractor who takes responsibility for achieving the desired outcomes. Outstaffing involves hiring specialized offshore IT teams who work as an extension of your company under your guidance and control.

What benefits can IT outsourcing bring to my company?

IT outsourcing allows companies to access professional expertise, reduce overhead costs, scale resources as needed, accelerate project timelines, and focus on core business activities.

What are the advantages of IT outstaffing for project development?

IT outstaffing provides companies with specialized offshore IT teams who work exclusively on their projects. This model offers flexibility, scalability, cost savings, access to top talent, and faster time-to-market, allowing companies to maintain full control over project management processes.

How does Cyberia ensure the quality of IT outsourcing and outstaffing services?

Cyberia ensures the quality of IT outsourcing and outstaffing services through rigorous recruitment processes, ongoing training and development, adherence to best industry practices and standards, transparency in communication, regular performance evaluations, and a commitment to delivering high-quality solutions that meet or exceed client expectations.

Can I easily scale my IT resources up or down with your outsourcing and outstaffing services?

Yes, our IT outsourcing and outstaffing services provide scalability, allowing you to quickly and easily scale your IT resources up or down based on changing business needs. Whether you need to ramp up for a new project or scale down after completion, Cyberia can assist with this.

How does Cyberia ensure communication and collaboration with offshore IT teams?

Cyberia maintains clear communication, transparency, and collaboration throughout the engagement. We provide project managers and team leads as main points of contact, facilitate regular meetings, use collaborative tools and platforms, and ensure smooth communication between you and the offshore teams to achieve project success.

What measures does Cyberia take to ensure data security and confidentiality in IT outsourcing and outstaffing services?

Cyberia implements robust cybersecurity measures, including secure network connections, encrypted communication channels, restricted access controls, data protection regulations compliance, and non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) to protect your intellectual property and confidential information throughout the project.