general terms

Internet address: 
Date of posting: 01.03.2024 
Date of last changes: 02.10.2024 
This document is an offer from the Limited Liability Company "Cyberia" (hereinafter referred to as Cyberia) to an individual who has expressed acceptance of this offer by: 
Posting their personal data on Cyberia's websites (filling in forms and applications); 
Responding to a vacancy on Cyberia's websites; 
Marking agreement with the terms of the offer ("checking the box") on Cyberia's websites; 
Sending a resume to the email or to Cyberia's Telegram bot; 
thereby confirming their agreement with the terms and conditions set forth below, hereinafter referred to as the "Candidate", to enter into the Agreement under the terms and conditions outlined below. 
1.1. The Candidate provides their personal data for the purpose of: 
Assisting the Candidate in employment or organizing another type of cooperation between the Candidate and a potential employer/client, 
Informing the Candidate about emerging career opportunities, 
Conducting preliminary interviews to determine suitable employment or other activities, 
Providing services/performing work by the Candidate based on a civil law contract, 
Carrying out activities by Cyberia related to personnel management and labor market analytics. 
Cyberia processes the Candidate's personal data exclusively for the specified purposes in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. 
2.1. The processing of the Candidate's personal data is carried out by Cyberia solely for the purposes defined in section 1.1 of this Agreement. 
2.2. The personal data provided by the Candidate for processing may include: 
Full name; 
Contact phone number; 
Email address; 
Date of birth; 
Place of residence (city and district); 
Link to a personal page on social networks; 
Willingness to relocate and travel for work; 
Marital status; 
Information about education and specialty; 
Data on previous work experience; 
Level of technical skills; 
Knowledge of foreign languages; 
Possession of special professional skills; 
Expected salary; 
Other information mentioned in the resume; 
Recommendations from previous places of work. 
2.3. To achieve the purposes specified in section 1.1 of this Agreement, the Candidate's personal data may be transferred to third parties, including legal entities within the Cyberia group and its clients (hereinafter referred to as Cyberia's Clients). 
2.4. Cyberia does not disclose personal data to third parties without the Candidate's consent and requires adherence to this rule from all who have access to the data unless Russian legislation stipulates otherwise. 
2.5. Cyberia processes personal data by carrying out actions (operations) that include collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, modification), extraction, use, transfer (provision, access), blocking, deletion, destruction. 
2.6. Personal data are processed for the duration of this Agreement. In processing personal data, Cyberia is guided by this Agreement, the Personal Data Policy (LINK TO BE ADDED), and the applicable legislation of the Russian Federation. 
3.1. In accordance with the subject of this Agreement, the Candidate is obliged to: 
3.1.1. Provide truthful, up-to-date, and complete information about themselves. 
3.1.2. Promptly update the personal data provided to Cyberia. 
3.1.3. Not use someone else's name or impersonate another person, nor mislead Cyberia about their identity by other means. 
3.1.4. Not provide phone numbers or email addresses for which the Candidate does not have usage rights. 
3.2. The Candidate has the right to: 
3.2.1. Request information about Cyberia, its location, the presence of data related to the Candidate at Cyberia, and the sources of their acquisition by sending a request to Cyberia's email address: 
3.2.2. Obtain information about third parties to whom the Candidate's personal data processed by Cyberia are transferred. 
3.2.3. Clarify their personal data, demand its blocking or destruction if the personal data are incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, unlawfully obtained, or not necessary for the declared purpose of processing, as well as take legal measures to protect their rights. 
4.1. In accordance with the subject of this Agreement, Cyberia is obliged to: 
4.1.1. Process the Candidate's personal data only for the stated purposes and in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and the legislation of the Russian Federation; 
4.1.2. Make changes to the Candidate's personal data based on his justified written request; 
4.1.3. Cease processing and destroy the Candidate's data upon his justified demand; 
4.1.4. Protect the data provided by the Candidate from unauthorized use, distortion, destruction, or alteration; 
4.1.5. Within 30 days from the receipt of the Candidate's justified written demand, make changes, clarification, blocking, or destruction of his personal data. 
4.2. Cyberia has the right to: 
4.2.1. Cease processing and destroy the Candidate's data if there are substantial reasons to believe that the data were provided inaccurately. Cyberia determines the significance of the reasons independently. 
4.2.2. Use personal data exclusively in the interests of the Candidate within the scope of Cyberia's activities corresponding to the subject of this Agreement and the stated purposes. 
4.2.3. Provide the Candidate with recommendations for improving the presentation of his personal data in the resume and make technical adjustments to the processed information about the Candidate. 
4.2.4. In any manner and without restrictions, profit from the processing of the Candidate's personal data (including by transferring it to Clients), provided by the Candidate, while Cyberia does not make any deductions and/or other payments of remuneration to the Candidate. 
4.2.5. Based on the contact information provided by the Candidate in their resume on the website, Cyberia is entitled to make calls for conducting preliminary interviews or informing the Candidate about vacancies that may be of interest or suitable for the Candidate for possible employment or other types of engagement with Cyberia or Cyberia's Client. By accepting the terms of this Agreement, the Candidate consents to such actions. The Candidate also agrees that the information obtained during these calls may be transferred to Cyberia’s Clients for the Candidate’s employment or other engagement. 
5.1. Individuals involved in the violation of the established rules for processing and ensuring the security of personal data are subject to civil and administrative liability within the framework of the legislation of the Russian Federation. 
6.1. This Agreement becomes effective from the moment the Candidate accepts its terms and remains in force until Cyberia or the Candidate decide to withdraw from this Agreement in the manner indicated below, or the Agreement is terminated by mutual consent of the Parties. 
6.2. This Agreement may be terminated by agreement of the Parties or at the will of one of the Parties: 
6.2.1. The Candidate's statement of termination of the Agreement should include his full name, email address, and mobile phone number. 
6.2.2. The Candidate may send the statement of termination of the Agreement in writing, mailing it to the Cyberia office. 
6.2.3. The statement of termination of the Agreement in electronic form can be sent by the Candidate to the email address: 
6.3. In case of termination of the Agreement, Cyberia is obliged to cease processing and destroy the Candidate's personal data within 30 days from the receipt of the corresponding statement, except in cases where the processing of personal data is permitted without the consent of the personal data subject. 
7.1. Cyberia processes the Candidate's personal data, adhering to the established purposes, on a non-reimbursable basis. 
7.2. This agreement does not constitute an employment contract between Cyberia and the Candidate and does not guarantee the Candidate's employment. 
7.3. This agreement does not establish between Cyberia and the Candidate any agency relationships, partnership, joint activity, personal hiring, or any other relationships not explicitly provided for in this Agreement. 
7.4. The terms of this Agreement, except as provided in section 7.1 of the Agreement, may be unilaterally amended by Cyberia. In the event Cyberia decides to change the terms of this Agreement, Cyberia will post a notice of such change on its official Site. 
7.5. In case of the Candidate's disagreement with the new terms of the Agreement, the Candidate must send Cyberia a refusal to accept the new terms of the Agreement before the changes take effect, in accordance with section 6.2 of this Agreement. Cyberia's receipt of written refusal and destruction of personal data means the termination of this Agreement. Failure of Cyberia to receive such refusal within the period specified in this section constitutes the Candidate's full and unconditional acceptance of the new terms of this Agreement. 
7.6. Relationships between the Parties not regulated by this Agreement are governed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 
7.7. In case of disputes, the Parties shall take all reasonably necessary measures to resolve them through negotiations. If the Parties do not reach an agreement during the negotiations within 10 (ten) calendar days, disputes shall be resolved in court in accordance with the current legislation at the location of Cyberia, provided that the mandatory pre-litigation claims procedure is followed. The response time to a claim is 30 calendar days from the date the claim is received by the Party. 
Cyberia Details 
LLC "Cyberia" 
Location: Moscow, Tverskoy Municipal District, 4th Lesnoy lane, bld. 4 
OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1227700374582 
INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 9709082465 
KPP (Tax Registration Reason Code): 771001001 
Telephone: +7 495 419 90 15 
Email address for official notifications related to the agreement: